The Use of the kubernetes ingress controller: The Best Ideas for you

Although moving production workloads to Kubernetes has numerous advantages, doing so also makes it more difficult to manage application traffic. A kind of specialised load balancer used in Kubernetes clusters is called an ingress controller.
A piece of software called an kubernetes ingress controller handles communication between Kubernetes and outside services. It does this by disguising the characteristics of a Kubernetes cluster’s application traffic routeing scheme. An ingress controller may be configured using the Kubernetes Application Programming Interface (API) by using resources referred to as Ingress Resources.
What You Can Expect From the kubernetes ingress controller
Ingress traffic from pods operating within a Kubernetes cluster to services outside the cluster is handled by Kubernetes ingress controllers, which are also in charge of receiving and load balancing that traffic from the outside world. They keep an eye on Kubernetes-running pods and instantly modify load balancing rules in response to changes in the number of pods a particular service is using. There will be many more articles on the Kubernetes API gateway after this one.
Benefits and Drawbacks of Using the Kubernetes Ingress Controller
Technically defined, an ingress is a layer 7 (application layer) router that is made accessible to clients via a load balancer rather than a service. Use an ingress controller that is hosted with the application to save money instead of purchasing a separate cloud load balancer for each service. It makes certain that every service has a distinct, publicly available IP address and that ingress controllers direct traffic to the appropriate service depending on the destination IP address.
Using an entrance controller has a number of advantages, such as
- In lieu of direct connections, this feature enables users to securely access services using the HTTP and HTTPS protocols.
- Allows for the creation of access routes to a range of services while giving complete control over service routeing and external access requirements.
- Instead of creating a large number of connections to reach a Kubernetes service, this creates a single channel for ingress traffic that may be altered depending on the criteria set by the operator.
Control access to different services inside a single system with ease, easing the administration of complex ingress procedures. The consequences on the efficiency of large-scale systems and the price of administration may be significant.
A common set of annotations are recognised by all ingress controllers. This kind of annotations pave the way for new software capabilities. Users of the Traefik ingress controller, for instance, may include middleware into the ingress process even if the Ingress standard does not allow it thanks to annotations.
Some of the limitations imposed by entrance controllers are as follows
The ingress is in responsible of controlling HTTP and HTTPS connections, as opposed to the ingress controller, which is exclusively concerned with layer 7 traffic. This implies that traffic cannot be directed using either the TCP or UDP protocols.
Ingress is limited to a single namespace. This implies that a service inside Kubernetes may only make references to other services located in the same namespace. Kubernetes has developed a gateway API definition that enables inter-namespace communication in order to solve this issue. The “alpha” stage of the standard’s development is where we are right now. Today, communication across clusters operating in different namespaces may be facilitated via a Kubernetes-native API Gateway.
Several distinct ingress controllers are available on Kubernetes, each with its own set of strengths and optimal deployment scenarios. It might be challenging to find a suitable entry controller for your needs.