Privacy in the digital era- Secure text solutions


Text messages contain sensitive information that we may not want others to see. From confidential work communications to personal conversations, text messages often contain details we wish to keep private. Luckily, in the digital era, we have more tools than ever to keep our texts secure.  The most popular secure text solutions today are encrypted messaging apps like Signal and WhatsApp. These apps allow users to exchange end-to-end encrypted messages that are virtually unhackable. Even the apps themselves access the content of the messages. This prevents third parties from being able to intercept and read private communications.

Screenshot protections

While encrypted apps protect messages in transit, many also provide screenshot protections. This prevents recipients from capturing potentially sensitive information by taking screenshots.  Apps like Confide display messages in a format that makes them unreadable if captured via screenshot. Each word shows briefly before being blacked out. While readable to the human eye in real time, screenshots only capture unreadable blurred text. Temporary messaging apps like Snapchat also do not allow recipients to capture screenshots without notifying the sender. This reduces the risk of sensitive texts being shared without consent.

Coded language solutions

When texting about sensitive topics, extra privacy may be desired even when using encrypted apps. Some users turn to coded language solutions to further obscure the content of their messages.  Nickname conventions allow users to replace names with codewords to avoid explicitly stating them. Emoticons and emojis represent ideas, items, people, or places.  Popular “secret texting” apps like Privnote or CryptoText generate one-time use links for sharing encrypted messages be read once before self-destructing. This solution provides added privacy even over encrypted regular texts read full info here

Separate private message apps

To keep sensitive conversations extra secure without cluttering primary messaging apps, some opt to use separate private messaging apps. These apps act as private vaults reserved exclusively for the most private conversations.  Private apps like CoverMe, Telegram, or Google’s Allo keep these ultra-private messages segmented in a separate location unlikely to be casually observed. This technique reduces the risk of unintentional exposure of private messages to others who may access primary messaging apps.

Text file encryptions

Sometimes private messages may be typed out in text files rather than messaging apps. Containing and emailing text files comes with obvious risks. Secure text apps like Privnote now allow encrypting text even in regular text files. Users type a message, encrypt it into a one-time link using the app, then copy and paste that link to share the encrypted message. Only those with that unique link decrypt the message. The encrypted text file solution provides a way to securely transmit sensitive information within normal text files.

 Do your research

With secure messaging apps, it’s important to research providers in-depth before relying on them. Look into encryption protocols, where servers are located, provider policies, which funds them, and past security issues or controversies. Favor apps that implement end-to-end encryption by default for all messages like Signal over ones with looser encryption standards like Telegram. Understand each app’s security practices before trusting them with private communications.

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