How Much Do You Know About The Photovoltaic System?


Also known as a solar power system or PV system, a photovoltaic system is regarded as an electric power system that works to supply practical solar power through photovoltaics. A photovoltaic system comprises a sequence of many elements, including a solar panel that absorbs and changes sunlight into electricity. At times, it utilizes a solar tracking system to augment the overall performance of the system.

The working process of a photovoltaic system

The sunlight is created from energy known as photons. It falls on a solar panel to create electric currents via a procedure known as the photovoltaic effect. Every panel creates a comparatively small amount of energy, though it can be connected with other panels to create energy in higher amounts, known as a solar array. When electricity is created from an array or a solar panel, it becomes DC or direct current. Though lots of electronic devices utilize DC electricity, including laptops or phones, they operate utilizing the electrical utility grid that provides AC or alternating current. So, if you want solar electricity to become useful, you must change it to AC from DC utilizing an inverter.

The photovoltaic system creates electricity

A PV or photovoltaic panel is commonly known as a solar panel. It comprises photovoltaic cells that absorb the sun’s light and change solar energy into electricity. You will find these cells to be created from a semiconductor that transmits energy, and they are strung together to form a module. Commonly, a usual rooftop solar panel is found with thirty modules. If a semiconductor present in the PV absorbs the sunlight, it knocks the electrons. Photovoltaic cells create electricity as this imbalance forms a voltage potential similar to the positive and negative terminals of batteries. After this, the current is accumulated on wires before it is utilized or stored in the PV’s battery.

Elements of a solar photovoltaic system

Some elements of a PV system are:

  • Support structures of a module – The support structures do the job of supporting the modules. In the matter of flat roofing, these structures exist that modify the panels’ orientation. Thus, the support structures optimize their contact by leaning them toward the rays of the sun.
  • Inverter – The inverter is regarded as an electronic device that changes the energy that the modules create into a kind of energy that both industrial and residential users use. Inverters are found with a protection device that helps them shut down in the instance of network disturbance or a power failure.
  • Electric cables – Electric cables do the job of carrying energy to the users from the system.
  • PV modules – A PV system gets the energy that the sun radiates by utilizing some special elements known as PV modules. The job of these modules is to form electricity when sunlight hits them.


The reliability of a PV system can’t be denied, even under extreme conditions. PV arrays ensure the incessant operation of crucial power supplies. Solar power systems need regular inspections as well as irregular repairs, and their costs are comparatively low in comparison to a conventional fuel system. 


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