Factors To Consider When Installing a Sprinkler System

A fire suppression system is a great idea when thinking about how to protect your business assets from the threat of fire. It’s important to understand the many types of systems available as well as the future maintenance that will be needed to keep your sprinklers running in tip-top shape!
Types of Sprinklers
Wet Pipe System
Wet pipe sprinkler systems store water directly in exposed piping. In this type of system, water is immediately available to deploy if a fire is detected in the area of the sprinkler.
Dry Pipe System
In a dry pipe system, the water for the sprinkler system is housed behind a valve, preventing accidental discharge if the piping is disturbed. When the valve is activated, water immediately flows through the piping and out the fire sprinkler head to extinguish the fire.
Deluge System
A deluge sprinkler system provides a great amount of water to a detected fire very quickly. Deluge systems must be activated by both heat and smoke. These systems can employ very quickly to completely extinguish a fire. A system like this is often employed in commercial businesses that are dealing with hazardous or highly flammable materials.
Sprinkler Maintenance
It is important to remember that your sprinkler system will need regular maintenance in order to ensure that it is running properly. On a weekly basis, fire sprinkler heads should be visually inspected to make sure they are not blocked by anything. On a quarterly basis, it is important that all valves are checked as well, to ensure that the system is ready to deploy in case of a fire threat.
In addition to system maintenance, it is important to employ a professional to do fire flow testing. This test is run on the fire hydrants nearby to ensure that there will be enough water pressure available in case the fire sprinkler system is employed and should be done at a minimum every five years.
There are many fire suppression systems on the market today. Choosing and maintaining the right sprinkler system is an important piece of keeping your business safe.