Corporate Signing: 5 Good Reasons to Implement Standards for a Digital Online Signature


An online signature is now one of the most widely used digital applications in business. Businesses are warming up to it because of how easy it is to use, how safe it is, how quickly it can process documents, and how convenient it can get signed anywhere. It’s natural to wonder—now that the digital signature’s legality got established, what these benefits are for companies.

The following are some advantages of using a digital signature system.

  1. Fortified Security

Each signature gets shielded by a tamper-evident seal that notifies you if a document was altered after you signed it. It lowers the possibility that your digital online signature will be copied or changed and ensures that the signs are authentic and verified. Additionally, codes, passwords, and PINs are provided to signers so they can use them to confirm their identities and approve their signatures.

  1. Cost Savings

While investing in digitalisation may seem expensive at first glance, the long-term savings more than compensate. It is now unnecessary to mail documents when a digital online signature gets used instead. Since this is the case, savings on printing and shipping are expected. You’ll spend less on processing confidential files—and related indirect costs like filing, rekeying data, archiving, and tracking. With the popularity of digital signatures, your company will use a fraction of the paper it otherwise would, which in turn helps to reduce its environmental impact.

  1. Time Efficient

Time gets saved when using electronic signatures instead of handwritten ones because multiple signatories can get sent the same document to sign with a single mouse click. When it comes to industries like banking and insurance, the electronic signature allows customers to complete transactions even when businesses are closed. With an electronic contract, the signing process can be completed in a matter of seconds, cutting down on administrative overhead. With a digital signing solution, you no longer need to physically bring paper documents into the office for a client or business partner to sign, nor do you need to rely on a scanner to send their signatures.

  1. Promote Workplace Efficiency

These signatures allow for a more streamlined workflow with fewer interruptions. A digital signing tool has quicker and less cumbersome document management and tracking. In the past, it could take months to complete a process—from the time a document gets requested until it’s received. Due to the lack of paper, they also facilitate data and file arrangement. Comparatively, searching through paper documents stored in filing cabinets or boxes is more time-consuming than searching through digital ones.

  1. Happier Clients

Efficiency and promptness get highly valued by business patrons. Customers can be patient and take time reviewing agreements when sent electronically and then sign with a single click. Customers will appreciate it when you see their time is valuable by providing the option to sign legal documents electronically. The more streamlined the digital sign process is, the more likely they can do business with you again.

To buy a digital sign system, contact Dedoco to buy your firm the latest digital signing hardware and software.

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