Why Should E-Commerce Firms Invest in Scalability Testing


The continual advancements in the digital sphere have provided new opportunities for business owners to market their products and services to more people. Online trading has become the norm, with more and more people going to e-commerce websites to shop for various goods worldwide. Reports show that over 2 billion people use digital platforms to purchase different products. And this number is expected to rise constantly with the further growth of e-commerce globally.

The continual rise of online transactions makes it vital for e-commerce firms that their websites are ready for an influx of people that might use their platforms in a day. Sudden massive traffic on a website can make it slow down or crash. This can kill any potential conversion and make people shy away from using the website again for future purchases.

This is where scalability testing comes in handy for e-commerce platforms. This test mainly focuses on how well the software runs when a sudden upsurge or downturn in traffic occurs. The scalability test will typically measure the usage of CPU, memory, network, and database. These metrics can help determine whether the infrastructure performs as expected when users increase or decrease.

Benefits of Scalability Testing

The number of people visiting an e-commerce website can vary. Many e-commerce companies experience spikes in traffic when there is a demand for their products or services in a specific season. Investing in scalability testing provides several benefits that will be valuable for e-commerce firms in times of abrupt increase or decrease in traffic.

  • Enhanced UX

A slow website due to high traffic can lead to poor UX, resulting in failed conversions and potential reputational damage in the long run. Investing in scalability testing will allow e-commerce platforms to check user experience during heavy load and apply the data later on to improve the website.

  • Customer Satisfaction

Slow web pages can damage customer trust and might lead them to shop on other websites. Scalability testing can help detect the time a web page needs to load, allowing developers to fix it if needed. This can satisfy the consumers with their overall experience using the website and potentially share their positive reviews with others.

  • Stay Ahead in the Market

Scalability testing can help determine possible bottlenecks in the system and allow developers to fix them immediately. By improving user experience and satisfaction, e-commerce firms can ensure they are ahead of their competitors, especially during peak months.

If you are looking for the best scalability and capacity testing provider for your e-commerce website, Radview Softwarehas got you covered. Our flagship product, the WebLOAD, can provide the best load testing at a lower price. It can be easily integrated with several application performance management (APM) tools and deployed on-premises or in the cloud. Schedule a demo today by clicking here.

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