Reasons Behind the Growing Need for Concealed Weapons Detection


Sadly the frequency of mass shootings continues to rise jeopardizing the safety of places you frequently visit such as schools, workplaces, entertainment venues, and places of worship. 

With an estimated 300 million firearms in circulation across the US and an increasing number of states relaxing laws on carrying concealed weapons, the likelihood of encountering someone with a firearm has reached increased and dangerous proportions. 

While debates surrounding gun control persist to adopt solutions, like concealed weapons detection, to mitigate violence and save lives, companies and institutions are also looking into some of the advanced and future technologies.

Advanced technologies for weapon detection, such as  AI, and sophisticated sensors, can play a substantial  role in identifying threats before shots are fired, stopping tragic and preventable incidents. With this type of technology in place, we can make the detection of concealed weapons commonplace.

Concealed Weapons: A Growing Menace

Indeed, the presence of concealed weapons has emerged as a distressing reality in public settings. Individuals carrying firearms have the capacity to inflict unimaginable harm before anyone can react in time.

Systems that check for concealed weapons use metal detectors, X rays, millimeter wave scanners, and video analytics to effectively detect guns, knives and explosive devices. These systems operate in time without hindering people’s movements or violating their privacy.

Challenges, with Traditional Metal Detectors

The once oft-used traditional walk-through metal detectors have limitations when it comes to detecting concealed weapons. Metal detectors can only detect metal objects, which means that weapons made of other materials like ceramic knives, plastic or polymer firearms, or liquid or powder explosives can easily pass through undetected in conventional detectors.

Also, some items like metallic weapons pose challenges for conventional metal detector designs. Smaller items, such as razor blades, box cutters and handcuff keys, may not not trigger an alert reliably. Bullets, alone, may also not  be consistently detected, allowing some individuals to sneak them through security checkpoints.

Continuously improving the methods of detection will play a role in enhancing public safety in spaces that require discreteness when locating weapons and considering the complexities of threats.

Cutting Edge Imaging Technologies for the Detection of Concealed Weapons

The advancements in imaging technology have paved the way for widespread detection of hidden weapons. Various promising techniques have emerged, showing potential in identifying concealed threats.

Millimeter Wave Imaging

Millimeter wave scanners employ frequency radio waves to scan individuals and objects enabling the detection of both non metallic items hidden under clothing. These scanners are capable of identifying concealed weapons like knives, firearms and explosives without employing ionizing radiation. 

Their successful implementation can be seen in airport body scanners used by TSA (Transportation Security Administration). This specific technology offers promise for enhancing security measures in public facilities.

Backscatter X-Ray

Backscatter X-ray scanners also rely on radiation to detect weapons as well as other forbidden items concealed beneath clothing. By emitting a beam of low dose X rays that bounce off the surface of the skin, these scanners generate an image collected by X ray detectors. 

However, because backscatter X-ray  equipment represents a technology that exposes individuals to minimal amounts of ionizing radiation, it leads to some health concerns. Consequently, stringent safety regulations should be implemented to minimize any health risks. Therefore, the FDA checks and authoirzes these machines for airport security.

Terahertz Imaging

Terahertz imaging is an emerging technique that utilizes high frequency radiation, within the terahertz gap situated between microwaves and infrared light.Terahertz scanners have the ability to discover weapons and non-metallic substances through materials that do not conduct electricity. 

These scanners are safe for people as they do not expose them to ionizing radiation thus posing health risks. Although terahertz imaging technology is still developing. It holds promise for enhancing security in airports and public areas and facilities.

Taking Advantage of the Technologies

Guards who use the new systems for detecting weapons can take the needed measures with less effort, today, thanks to updated scanners, artificial intelligence, and video imaging. They can stop a threat discreetly without causing widespread alarm.

The world has its proponents and opponents to suggested gun laws, thereby making the detection of hidden weapons increasingly important. Therefore, there is a great need to update today’s technology to make sure that everyone stays safe.

Whether you’re an educational institution, bank, church, synagogue, company, or airport, it’s important to place everyone’s safety first. That is why keeping updated, security-wise, should be foremost on your mind. Today’s hidden weapon detection systems, along with the support of security personnel, make safety an easy choice.

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